About Us

My love of animals stems from a childhood being surrounded by ducks, rabbits, chinchillas, cats and dogs. From a young age I knew I wanted to work with animals and this led to me working within the zoological industry for many years. This time included caring for animals, researching animal behaviour and working closely with wolves for a year at a rescue reserve in America.

I have always loved being outside, whatever the weather, and seeing the beautiful countryside that surrounds us. I believe that it is important to love your job and the combination of my passion for animals and being outside has led me to create wagged-out walks and pet care services. Overall I can’t think of a better way to spend my day then looking after other people’s pets while they are busy.

Dougal is my 3 year old springer spaniel cross minature poodle (also known as a sproodle). He is at the centre of our family and our home is never quiet with his endless energy and fun-loving nature.

Likes: cheese, swimming and TENNIS BALLS!

Dislikes: fluorescent coats, showers and cats on the television.

Dougal and I love to walk in the countryside and being a very sociable dog he is always ready to buddy up on a wagged-out walk for some fun and games.

I have always enjoyed working with reptiles over the years and this led to me buying Narnia and Cantona, my two bearded dragons. They are now 8 years old and although they are not energetic like Dougal, they do have very inquisitive personalities and enjoy a wander around the house.

Likes: wax worms, sunbathing, being bathed

Dislikes: none – they are very content with life

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